This is it!

Pastors from all over Cameroon are preparing to travel for workshops right after Easter. This is part of the big launch of the Video Enhancements of the TLT courses which we have worked on for the past two years, and the approximately 50 participants are travelling to be trained in how to use them, and use TheWell, to bring the courses to church leaders across the country.

Fast church growth calls for new training approaches

DECIBEL Training is focused on providing a range of innovative training resources for pastors and church leaders in the Global South. We are very aware of the fast growth of the church in many poorer countries. This is exciting.

Where the Magic Happens

The DECIBEL Training Department is where courses are written, edited, designed, recorded, and produced by a very skilled and dedicated team. This is where the magic happens!
I would like to present to you a queue of great news!
No less than three courses in the Timothy Leadership Training Program (TLT) Basic Certificate have been completed as video enhancements.