Who is Liv?
Liv is serving in TheWell department and helping clients integrate their content on our platforms. In this short article she is introducing herself.
Who is Mette Bjergbæk Klausen?
I am a theologian and a pastor in the Lutheran Church. I am married to Alex, and we are both from Denmark, but live in Oxford in the UK now together with our lovely cat, Edward. When Alex and I had both completed our MAs in theology, we went into mission with a desire to help pastors in other parts of the world, who had limited access to theological training.
Who is Shumi Kupara?
Learn more about Shumi, who is working as a course designer in DECIBEL Training.
Who is Andrew Westerman?
Learn more about Andrew, who is serving on the board of trustees and who has a strong passion for and experience with training in multi-cultural contexts.
Introducing Gabriela
Learn more about the different team members in DECIBEL Training as we introduce a new member each month.
This month you can learn more about Gabriela, who is both supporting the translations and heading support and client relations in TheWell Systems.
Who is the new CEO?
During a service the visiting pastor preached for us. Afterward he said that God had given him a message to some of the present pastors. I was one of them. The message to me was, that I would get involved in online training of pastors and church leaders on a global level. The visiting pastor did not know me in advance, and he knew nothing about what I was involved in at that time.