From the days of Noah to the days of Hulbert
Many thousands of years ago Noah got a message from God, according to the book of Genesis chapter 6 very early in the Bible. Many hundreds of years ago Hulbert was a miller in Shrewsbury in England. Is there any connection between the two men? Yes, well, at least in the mind of the CEO of Decibel Training.
By Finn Kier-Hansen, CEO
Up front, let me clarify there is no direct, until now, unrevealed link from Noah to Hulbert. That would otherwise have been quite a sensation.
But Hulbert did historically run a mill in Shrewsbury on the very location of the now thriving and very present Barnabas Community Church. Hulbert gave name to Hulbert Enterprises Ltd., a charity that was founded by Martin Charlesworth to accommodate Word
Online, which we introduced in the last newsletter.
By coincidence, also known as “God-incidence”, Hulbert Enterprises ltd. became the structural backbone when DECIBEL TRAINING emerged out of a strategic decision, made mid 2022, of separating the activities of The Relay Trust into two areas.
We are getting there …
More of the above mentioned “God-incidence” led to me being asked to head the new organisation, which remain with the registered name Hulbert Enterprises. But we also react when being called DECIBEL TRAINING, which is the trading name of our content
department, where all the amazing courses are being developed.
And then, what about Noah, how does he fit into the picture? Well, during the very first days of 2023 the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to some of the similarities between the situation of Noah, and of the staff and board of trustees of Hulbert
We have both been given an overwhelming task, which initially seemed completely out of reach and unrealistic.
But as we slowly, step-by-step, endeavoured, we equally slowly saw progress and realized that this might be possible. The construction work gradually, but surely, succeeded.
The ark floated
In the process Noah’s ark became the metaphor as I tried to picture what we are doing. Using that picture, I was very happy to realize that the ark floated, when we reached April 1st, half a year ago.
That was day one in the life of the new organisation. The construction proved to be watertight; the organisation was initially viable. What a victory.
Since then, the organisation has been developing in the craftmanship of sailing an ark: We remain humble and
untrained, yet very determined to conquer the oceans, as we pursue the God-given vision of training and equipping local pastors and church leaders to lead healthy churches and change local communities.
You are invited to embark on the journey with us. You might want to pray for the crew and the vessel. Or maybe God is reminding you to support the ministry by a donation of money. If you have spare hours, we might even be able to enrol you on the crew as volunteer. Reach out if you in any way would like to embark – send me an email: or call me (+45) 25 34 90 34.
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